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Signs You Need Permanent Correction For Your Ingrown Toenails

For many Kiwis, ingrown toenails are a persistent and painful condition that significantly impacts their daily life. While some cases can be managed with conservative measures like trimming back the nail carefully, either at home or with the help of your podiatrist (recommended) there are instances where a more permanent solution is required. The Partial Nail Avulsion (PNA) procedure is the #1 treatment that offers lasting relief by permanently fixing the problem – but could it be right for you? Here are the signs that indicate that a PNA may be the most suitable course of action for you.

Understanding Ingrown Toenails

Before exploring the signs that your ingrown nail warrants permanent correction, it’s crucial to understand what ingrown toenails are. An ingrown toenail occurs when the edge of the toenail, usually the big toe, grows into the surrounding skin instead of over it. This condition often leads to pain, redness, swelling, and in severe cases, infection. Several factors contribute to the development of ingrown toenails, including improper nail trimming, tight-fitting footwear, trauma to the toe, and having a genetic predisposition. Recognising these causes is essential for preventive care and determining when more aggressive intervention is necessary.

Treating Ingrown Nails

In the early stages of an ingrown toenail, conservative treatments may be sufficient. Gently lifting the ingrown edge with a sterile instrument and trimming it before it has penetrated deep into the skin is one option, although many people wait too long meaning they are unable to remove the nail from the skin. Wearing comfortable, open-toed shoes can provide relief, though it doesn’t address the problem. Soaking the foot in warm water or Epsom salts is another strategy that may offer some temporary relief, though it gets you no closer to lasting improvement or future prevention. 

Signs That A PNA Could Be Right For You

Signs that the partial nail avulsion procedure could be right for your ingrown nails include having:

The Partial Nail Avulsion (PNA) Procedure

The PNA procedure is a small surgical procedure performed by a qualified podiatrist. The goal is to safely and seamlessly remove a portion of the ingrown toenail, including addressing the nail matrix responsible for nail growth so that no new ingrown nail returns in its place. This prevents the problematic portion of the nail from regrowing, offering a long-term solution to ingrown toenails.

Benefits Of A PNA

Key Takeaway

While living with the discomfort and pain of ingrown toenails can significantly impact your quality of life, recognising the signs that indicate the need for a more permanent solution, such as the Partial Nail Avulsion (PNA) procedure, is crucial to ensure you get the right care that addresses your needs. If you find yourself experiencing recurrent ingrown toenails, chronic infections, persistent pain, or limited daily activities, consulting with a qualified podiatrist can help determine whether PNA is the right course of action for you. By opting for a permanent correction, if it is safe and right for you to do so, you can enjoy lasting relief and regain control over your foot health and support your overall well-being.

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Ground Floor, One Health Building
122 Remuera Rd, Remuera
Auckland 1050, New Zealand

MON - FRI 7:30am – 6:00pm
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