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What Else Can The Auckland Ingrown Toenail Clinic Help You With?
Posted 8 Jan '21

What Else Can The Auckland Ingrown Toenail Clinic Help You With?

Ingrown toenails are our speciality. From one-off treatments to nail surgeries – and even removing the toenail entirely. We love helping patients finally get long-term relief from this painful and frustrating problem. But – are ingrown toenails all we do?  It’s a great question, so today we thought we’d fill you in on all the other things we help our patients with and how.

First: What do podiatrists do?

All our ingrown toenail services are performed by board-registered and experienced podiatrists. Outside of ingrown toenail treatment and surgery, podiatrists spend
at least three years studying the anatomy, physiology and biomechanical function of the feet and lower limbs.  Trust us – this isn’t an easy endeavour, given that a single foot has 26 bones, 33 joints and more than 100 muscles, tendons and ligaments! This makes Podiatrists the foot health experts when it comes to pains and problems that develop – and very knowledgeable in their field. Podiatrists are qualified to assess, diagnose and treat problems with the lower limbs, from the waist down. This includes the legs, knees, ankles, feet – and sometimes the hips too. To help you know more about exactly what we do and can help with, here’s a handy checklist of indications that you should see a podiatrist. Do you:
  • Have painful feet?  
  • Experience leg pain?  
  • Have painful knees?  
  • Experience sore hips?  
  • Find walking or standing uncomfortable?  
  • Experience leg or foot pain during sport?  
  • Need advice on correct footwear?
  • Have ingrown toenails?
  • Have a fungal nail infection?
  • Have pain in the opposite leg following an injury or surgery?
  • Want to run better?
  • Want to cycle better?
  • Find it difficult to fit into normal shoes?
  • Have an ulcer that isn’t healing?
  • Notice something about the way your family member walks that seems unusual or wrong?
  • Get very tired after being on your feet during the day for work?
Are you:
  • Worried about the development of your children’s feet?
  • Sick of being told there’s nothing that can be done to reduce your pain and help you feel more comfortable?
  • Regularly tripping or falling?
  • Constantly spraining your ankle?
  • Worried about bumps and lumps on your feet like bunions?
  • Finding it difficult to reach your feet to care for the nails and skin?
  • Diabetic (and therefore high-risk for foot/leg complications)?
  • Training for a marathon or working out and want to reduce the risk of injury?
  • Needing specific assistance for sports like skiing where you have a very narrow boot and not much space to work with?

Introducing: Perform Podiatry

While it becomes very clear once you’ve been in to see us, if you’ve never visited the Auckland Ingrown Toenail Clinic, you may not realise that our clinic is a speciality of our mother clinic, Perform Podiatry. Perform Podiatry is one of Auckland’s leading podiatry clinic, specialising in a range of services including:
  • Pain and injury management
  • Custom foot orthotics
  • Medical pedicures (cosmetic podiatry)
  • Sports medicine
  • Children’s foot problems
  • Wart (verruca) surgery
  • Corns and callus
  • Skin and nail problems
  • Caring for older feet
  • Footwear and footwear modification
  • Arthritis care
  • Diabetes care
  • Splints & braces

Your experienced, comprehensive & all-round team

Perform Podiatry and the Auckland Ingrown Toenail Clinic are staffed with highly experienced, caring and passionate podiatrists that love what they do and caring for patients in all the different ways that we’re skilled to do. Book your appointment online here or call us on 09 523 2333.

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Keeping you healthy and performing at your best

Keeping your family on their feet and helping them to walk, run, play and exceed their goals is why we love getting up in the morning.

Ground Floor, One Health Building
122 Remuera Rd, Remuera
Auckland 1050, New Zealand

MON - FRI 7:30am – 6:00pm
SAT 8:00am – 4:30pm
SUN Occasionally available

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