Are Your Kids Getting One Ingrown Toenail After The Other?
If the phrase “Mum, my toe hurts” is one that you’ve heard a few too many times now, then this is for you. Today we’re talking ingrown toenails and kids!…
Ingrown Toenails: Why it’s time to throw out the home remedies!
We have the pleasure of seeing and treating a lot of ingrown toenails. That’s not sarcastic at all – successfully treating ingrown toenails provides an immense amount of relief to…
Say goodbye to discoloured fungal toenails!
It’s been a fantastic, hot summer here in New Zealand, with lots of time wearing sandals, at the beach and feeling that soft, green grass beneath of our feet. For…
How To Get Rid of Plantar Warts
If you or your kids have ever had warts, you’ll know that they’re unpleasant, unsightly and can at times be uncomfortable, especially if they’re on the bottom of your feet.…
Ingrown toenails: The lessons and the patients
We’ve been seeing a lot of patients with ingrown toenails lately. From kids to adults alike – we’ve even quickly removed ingrown toenails from kids at 6 months old. That’s…
Struggling with ingrown toenails?
Ingrown toenails can be massively frustrating – and not to mention very painful! They stop you from wearing shoes, partaking in sports and activities you enjoy and every step is…