My Shellac Came Off And Caused An Ingrown Toenail?
We recently had a patient come in who was experiencing her very first ingrown toenail – and initially, the cause of it was a bit of a mystery. She had…
What Happens If You Ignore Your Ingrown Toenail?
Noticing some slight redness, irritation or swelling on the side of your toenail, especially if it’s still mild and in its early stages, may seem like no big deal. Some…
Why Home Remedies For Ingrown Nails Don’t Work – And What Does
We were recently having a conversation with a patient who was advised that soaking her foot in Epsom salts would fix her ingrown toenail. While it helped her get some…
Debunking Your Top Ingrown Toenail Myths
There’s a lot of information out there about ingrown toenails, and unfortunately, some of it is not accurate. Which, when you’re struggling with an ingrown nail and the methods you’re…
Signs Of A Melanoma Beneath Your Toenail
If you’re an avid skier, snowboarder, soccer player, or have a tendency to stub your toe, you won’t be a stranger to the dark brown bleeding beneath the surface of…
Your Ingrown Nail FAQs, Answered
When it comes to ingrown toenails, there are a lot of questions that we get asked every day. From the common questions like why on earth they’ve affected you and…
Are Ingrown Toenails Genetic?
If you’ve had an ingrown toenail arise out of seemingly nowhere, and other members of your family have had ingrown toenails in the past, you may be wondering if ingrown…
Do I Need Antibiotics For An Ingrown Nail?
Will antibiotics fix an ingrown toenail?  If I’ve had an ingrown nail removed, should I have antibiotics?  These are all good questions, and ones we get asked often by our…
Ingrown Toenail Not Healing?
Is your ingrown toenail not healing? Maybe you’ve been soaking it in Epsom salts, removed the nail yourself, had antibiotics to help treat it or have left it to get…
How To Spot An Ingrown Toenail Early
So you’ve got toe pain starting but you’re not sure if it’s an ingrown toenail. What are the signs you should be looking for if it’s an ingrown toenail and…